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gathering of people

  • 1 gathering

    [English Word] gathering
    [Swahili Word] akhtari
    [Swahili Plural] akhtari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] gathering
    [Swahili Word] aktari
    [Swahili Plural] aktari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] gathering
    [Swahili Word] baraza
    [Swahili Plural] mabaraza
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] gathering
    [Swahili Word] jamaa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] jamii, ujamaa
    [English Word] gathering
    [Swahili Word] jamaa
    [Swahili Plural] jamaa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] gathering
    [English Plural] gatherings
    [Swahili Word] kusanyiko
    [Swahili Plural] makusanyiko
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kusanya
    [English Word] gathering
    [Swahili Word] kutano
    [Swahili Plural] makutano
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] kuta V
    [English Word] gathering
    [Swahili Word] mkusanyiko
    [Swahili Plural] mikusanyiko
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] kusanya V
    [Swahili Example] jioni kwenye mkusanyiko wa watu [Muk]
    [English Word] gathering
    [Swahili Word] mkusanyo
    [Swahili Plural] mikusanyo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] kusanya V
    [English Word] gathering
    [Swahili Word] uvuno
    [Swahili Plural] mavuno
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] gathering
    [Swahili Word] -jamhuri
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] jamhuri ya watu
    [English Word] gathering (of fruit)
    [Swahili Word] uchumaji
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Swahili Example] uchumaji wa mahindi
    [English Word] gathering (with a definite purpose)
    [Swahili Word] makutano
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] kuta
    [English Word] large gathering
    [Swahili Word] umati
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] large gathering (of people)
    [Swahili Word] msoa
    [Swahili Plural] misoa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] social gathering
    [Swahili Word] pati
    [Swahili Plural] pati
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Word] Eng.

    English-Swahili dictionary > gathering

  • 2 gathering

    تَجَمُّع \ gathering: a meeting. rally: a gathering of people from a wide area: a rally of Boy Scouts.

    Arabic-English glossary > gathering

  • 3 gathering

    gathering [ˈgæðərɪŋ]
    1. noun
    ( = group of people) assemblée f
    [dusk, darkness, gloom] grandissant ; [crowd] en train de se former
    * * *
    ['gæðərɪŋ] 1.
    1) ( meeting) réunion f

    social/family gathering — réunion entre amis/de famille

    2) ( in sewing) fronces fpl
    adjective croissant

    English-French dictionary > gathering

  • 4 gathering

    gathering ['gæðərɪŋ]
    1 noun
    (a) (group) assemblée f, réunion f;
    a gathering of top scientists une réunion de scientifiques de haut niveau;
    a social gathering une fête;
    a small gathering was listening to him quelques personnes attroupées l'écoutaient
    (b) (accumulation) accumulation f; (of clouds) amoncellement m
    (c) (bringing together → of people) rassemblement m; (→ of objects) accumulation f, amoncellement m;
    the gathering of the clans le rassemblement des clans
    (d) (harvesting) récolte f; (picking) cueillette f
    (e) (increase → in speed, force) accroissement m
    (f) (UNCOUNT) Sewing froncis m, fronces fpl
    (g) (UNCOUNT) Medicine (abscess) abcès m
    literary the gathering darkness l'obscurité grandissante;
    the gathering storm l'orage qui se prépare ou qui menace

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > gathering

  • 5 gathering

    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) reunión
    gathering n reunión
    1 reunión nombre femenino, asamblea
    1 creciente
    gathering ['gæðərɪŋ] n
    : reunión f
    acopio s.m.
    acumulación s.f.
    asamblea s.f.
    concurrencia s.f.
    frunce s.m.
    fruncido s.m.
    fruncimiento s.m.
    muchedumbre s.f.
    recolección s.f.
    reunión s.f.

    I 'gæðərɪŋ
    noun ( meeting) reunión f; ( group of people) concurrencia f

    adjective (before n) creciente, en aumento
    1. N
    1) (=assembly) reunión f ; (=persons present) concurrencia f
    2) (Med) absceso m
    3) (Typ) alzado m
    ADJ [force, speed] creciente, en aumento
    * * *

    I ['gæðərɪŋ]
    noun ( meeting) reunión f; ( group of people) concurrencia f

    adjective (before n) creciente, en aumento

    English-spanish dictionary > gathering

  • 6 gathering

    (assembly, meeting) Versammlung, die
    * * *
    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) die Versammlung
    * * *
    I. n Treffen nt, Zusammenkunft f, Versammlung f
    a family \gathering ein Familientreffen nt
    a social \gathering ein gemütliches Beisammensein
    II. adj attr, inv clouds heraufziehend; storm sich akk zusammenbrauend, heraufziehend; darkness zunehmend
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= group) Gruppe f; (= assembly) Versammlung f
    2) (of people) Versammeln nt; (of objects) Sammeln nt; (of fruit) Pflücken nt; (of crops) Ernte f; (of speed) Zunahme f
    3) (SEW) Fältchen nt
    2. adj
    1) (= increasing) dusk, darkness, gloom zunehmend; storm, clouds aufziehend
    2) (= assembling) crowd zusammenlaufend
    * * *
    1. Sammeln n
    2. Sammlung f
    3. a) (Menschen)Ansammlung f
    b) Versammlung f, Zusammenkunft f
    4. Buchbinderei: Lage f
    5. MED
    a) Reifen n
    b) Eitern n, Eiterung f
    6. Näherei: Kräuseln n
    * * *
    (assembly, meeting) Versammlung, die
    * * *
    Lese -n f.
    Sammeln n.

    English-german dictionary > gathering

  • 7 gathering

    ['gæðərɪŋ] 1.
    1) (meeting) riunione f., raduno m.

    social, family gathering — riunione tra amici, familiare

    2) (action of collecting) raccolta f.
    3) sart. pieghe f.pl., arricciatura f.
    aggettivo (growing) [gloom, speed] crescente
    * * *
    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) raduno
    * * *
    gathering /ˈgæðərɪŋ/
    A n.
    1 adunata; adunanza; assembramento; raduno; riunione
    3 [cu] ( di stoffa) increspatura; plissettatura
    4 (med.) ascesso; suppurazione
    B a.
    che si aduna; che si addensa
    gathering of statistical data, raccolta di dati statistici; rilevazioni statistiche □ the gathering storm, il temporale imminente; le nubi che si addensano.
    * * *
    ['gæðərɪŋ] 1.
    1) (meeting) riunione f., raduno m.

    social, family gathering — riunione tra amici, familiare

    2) (action of collecting) raccolta f.
    3) sart. pieghe f.pl., arricciatura f.
    aggettivo (growing) [gloom, speed] crescente

    English-Italian dictionary > gathering

  • 8 gathering

    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) samling; forsamling
    * * *
    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) samling; forsamling

    English-Danish dictionary > gathering

  • 9 gathering

    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) (for)samling, selskap, sammenkomst
    subst. \/ˈɡæħ(ə)rɪŋ\/
    1) samling
    2) sammenkomst, møte, selskap
    3) ( medisin) hevelse, byll
    4) (material)samling
    5) ( håndarbeid) rynker
    6) samling, sanking, plukking, høsting
    7) ( teknikk) samlekanal
    adj. \/ˈɡæħ(ə)rɪŋ\/
    voksende, økende, tiltagende

    English-Norwegian dictionary > gathering

  • 10 people

    1) люди, население, жители

    The middle class sprang into full being as a link between the nobility and the common people. — Средний класс занял прочное место как мост между аристократией и чернью.

    - average people
    - working people
    - chosen people
    - city people
    - country people
    - common people
    - working people
    - people of the town
    2) народ, нация
    3) семья, родные, родственники
    - my wife's people
    4) эквивалент безличному you, на русский язык не переводится
    - people often think...
    - never mind what people say
    Людей, особенно когда они ведут себя недостойно, часто сравнивают с животными: The soldiers were all drunk, and they behaved like animals. Пьяные солдаты вели себя по-скотски. You greedy pig! Ты жадная свинья! That little rat has been spying on us. Этот крысеныш шпионил за нами все это время. It's time to take action against these sharks who prey on the poor. Пора принять меры по отношению к этим акулам, которые живут за счет бедняков. The press were gathering outside her house like vultures. Журналисты, подобно коршунам, чующим поживу, кружат вокруг ее дома. You dirty dog! Ты грязный пес! His wife was a mousy little woman. Его жена была маленькой серой мышкой. You little monkey, have you been playing with my stuff again? Послушай, проказник/мартышка, ты опять трогал мои вещи? You silly goose. Ты глупая трусливая гусыня. /Ты трус и глупец. She is a very original writer, and has never been one to follow the herd. Она весьма оригинальный автор, из тех, кто никогда не идет на поводу у толпы. Most people are like sheep - they just do what everyone else does. Люди подобны баранам, они всегда следуют за толпой. /Люди как овцы - ими руководит стадное чувство. He described his opponents as dinosaurs, out of touch with present day reality. Он отзывался о своих оппонентах как о динозаврах/мастодонтах, живущих в прошлом (отставшим от жизни). He seems tough, but he's a pussycat when you get to know him. Он только кажется неприступным, но если с ним познакомиться поближе, то он окажется совсем ручным (мягким как котёнок).
    (1.) People 1. - собирательное существительное, имеющее только форму единственного числа и обозначающее множество - люди, население, народ; оно согласуется с глаголом во множественном числе: people are having a difficult time now in some countries в некоторых странах люди сейчас переживают трудные времена. (2.) People 2. - народ, нация имеет форму и единственного, и множественного числа: peoples - народы, нации, народности. (3.) People 3. - семья, родные употребляется с притяжательным местоимением или существительным в притяжательном падеже: my wife's people родственники моей жены. (4.) People 4. соответствует русскому безличному говорят, думают: people often say that часто говорят, что … (5.) For people 1.; See man, n; USAGE (1.). (6.) For people 1.; See person, n (7.) For people 1.; See cattle, n (8.) For people 4.; See one, prn; USAGE (1.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > people

  • 11 gathering

    حَشْد \ cloud: a mass of everything in the air (flying insects etc.). crowd: too many people is a small space. crush: tightly packed crowd. gathering: a meeting. horde: a destructive crowd; a very large number (of ants, flies, etc.). host: a great number: I have a host of spare pants for my car. swarm: a restless gathering: a swarm of ants. throng: a crowd.

    Arabic-English glossary > gathering

  • 12 gathering

    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) samkoma

    English-Icelandic dictionary > gathering

  • 13 gathering

    gennyesedés, duzzasztás
    * * *
    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) összejövetel

    English-Hungarian dictionary > gathering

  • 14 gathering

    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) reunião
    * * *
    [g'æðəriŋ] n 1 ajuntamento, ato de reunir ou juntar, arrecadação. 2 coleção, coleta, colheita. 3 reunião, assembléia, aglomeração, multidão. 4 Med supuração, formação de cabeça de abscesso. 5 franzido, feitura de franzidos. 6 pregas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > gathering

  • 15 gathering

    n. meclis, toplanma, toplama, biriktirme, topluluk, kalabalık, toplantı, çıban, apse, iltihap, büzgü
    * * *
    1. toplantı (n.) 2. topla (v.) 3. toplayarak (prep.)
    * * *
    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) toplantı

    English-Turkish dictionary > gathering

  • 16 gathering

    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) srečanje
    * * *
    zbor, shod; zbiranje, nabiranje, trganje; medicine gnojni tvor, ognojek, gnojenje; printing zložena pola

    English-Slovenian dictionary > gathering

  • 17 gathering

    • rypyttäminen
    • rypytys
    • joukko
    medicine, veterinary
    • ajos
    • akkumulaatio
    • väenkokous
    • väkijoukko
    • tilaisuus
    • kertymä
    • keruu
    • kerääminen
    • kokoava
    • kokoaminen
    medicine, veterinary
    • märkäpaise
    medicine, veterinary
    • märkäinen
    • laskostus
    • poiminta
    • poimutus
    • kokoonpano
    • kokous
    • kokoontuminen
    • korjaus
    * * *
    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) tapaaminen, kokous

    English-Finnish dictionary > gathering

  • 18 gathering

    * * *
    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) zgromadzenie

    English-Polish dictionary > gathering

  • 19 gathering

    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) sanāksme; sapulce
    * * *
    vākšana; sapulce, sanāksme; novākšana; sastrutojums

    English-Latvian dictionary > gathering

  • 20 gathering

    noun (a meeting of people: a family gathering.) suėjimas, susibūrimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > gathering

См. также в других словарях:

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  • People of Praise — is a Christian ecumenical charismatic covenant community. It presently consists of 21 branches in the United States of America, Canada, and the Caribbean, with a total of approximately 3,000 [ as early as 1987, People of Praise consisted of some… …   Wikipedia

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  • People — Peo ple, n. [OE. peple, people, OF. pueple, F. peuple, fr. L. populus. Cf. {Populage}, {Public}, {Pueblo}.] 1. The body of persons who compose a community, tribe, nation, or race; an aggregate of individuals forming a whole; a community; a nation …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • People's Mujahedin of Iran — People s Mojahedin Organization of Iran سازمان مجاهدين خلق ايران Leader Zohreh Akhyani [1] …   Wikipedia

  • gathering — UK US /ˈgæðərɪŋ/ noun [C] MEETINGS ► a meeting in which many people come together as a group: »There will be a gathering of world leaders in Canada next month …   Financial and business terms

  • People's Democratic Party (Nigeria) — People s Democratic Party Chairman Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo Secretary General Alhaji Abubakar Kawu Baraje Founded …   Wikipedia

  • gathering — ► NOUN ▪ an assembly of people …   English terms dictionary

  • Gathering of Israel — The Gathering of Israel (Hebrew: קיבוץ גלויות Kibbutz Galuyot , lit. Ingathering of the Exiles, also known as Ingathering of [the] Diasporas) is the promise given by Moses, in the Hebrew Bible, to the People of Israel before his death, prior to… …   Wikipedia

  • Gathering Blue — infobox Book | name = Gathering Blue title orig = translator = image caption = First edition cover author = Lois Lowry illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = genre = Children s, Dystopian novel publisher …   Wikipedia

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